🏷️ App Discounts Are Now Available!

Dear Partners,

We're thrilled to announce a new feature that allows you to apply discounts to your app plans, encouoraging merchants to subscribe and leverage your app's functionalities.

Here's how you can add a discount offer:

  1. Navigate to App Management > Plans Management.
  2. Add a new plan or edit an existing one.
  3. Enable the offers toggle, then click on Discount Offer.
  4. Specify a discount percentage, which will be calculated from the original plan price.
  5. Submit your app for review to implement changes in the Merchant Dashboard.

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Once you've submitted the changes to the plan, the discounted offer will be visible to merchants, allowing them to subscribe at the new price. You can revert the discount at any time by following the same steps.

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Thank you for your partnership and continuous support 🚀

What do you think about this update?