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changed description "As a developer, I work with the Zid API to integrate systems with it. All resources, such as Product, Order, Category (or any other entity), should include an array named "metadata." This array consists of objects containing "name" and "value" pairs, allowing storage of related IDs from the integrated system for mapping purposes. There should be full control over adding and editing resources, rather than only being able to edit certain properties or add a limited subset of features. For example, the current setup lacks the ability to fully add a product, as it only allows for a minimal set of features. Additionally, the API lacks a route for order creation, which can only be done through the admin panel according to the documentation. Unique identifiers, such as SKU in products, should be added via the create product route and should be queryable using a route such as "get by id." While it's acceptable for a route to attach a product to a category during product creation or editing, the product record itself does not contain this information. Therefore, another route must be called to perform the attachment. The "get all products" route should include a filter for the "updated_date" field, allowing users to query only those records updated after a specific date. When using the create product route or the "get all products" route, variants should include creation and modification dates,
butthisinformationshouldnotbethat will make change of the variants updated date only not all the product updated date and this should be includedinallproductlistings.also in get all product route . I think there's should be route to get All varients attached to product and varient should be rich entity not just names it should be like product or similar. Thank you. "